The Liberia Foundational Skills Activity Project (LFSA)

On July 23, 2024, Education Officers from Margibi and Montserrado Counties and other staff of KEEP Liberia, met at the KEEP’s Office, Duport Road, Monrovia, for a working session to provide background and overview of the Liberia Foundational Skills Activity Project-LFSA.

Participants included DEOs, CEOs, Ministry of Education Central Office staff, (AE Division, Early Childhood Bureau, Community Engagement& Drop-out, Inclusive Ed. and Basic Education), and KEEP-LFSA staff.

LFSA validation meetings were done in both Montserrado and Bong Counties.

The Liberia Foundational Skills Activity (LFSA) is a five-year program financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in collaboration with Chemonics International, ltd., (Chemonics). The program will support Liberia in increasing system efficiencies so that more children, especially the marginalized and vulnerable, can master foundational reading and social skills through schooling that is safe and relevant and promotes well-being.

The session was facilitated by the Project Lead, Mr. Amos D. Doe.

The Executive Director of the Kids’ Educational Engagement Project, Mrs. Brenda Moore, provided insights on the Background and Overview of the LFSA Project. Other key things highlighted were the revision of pre-selected schools, the review of Baseline Scoping Tools, and the validation of the session by the participants.

KEEP remains committed to providing various support in the education sector, particularly at the primary school level. KEEP also engages in women’s & girls’ empowerment, economic livelihood, access to justice, promotion of rights in schools, strengthening youth education through computer and reading literacy programs, child sponsorship, and advocacy. 

Bong County WOrking Session
Montserrado County Working Session

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