Recently our team and had the privilege of hosting the Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of Switzerland Mr. Léo Trembley along with its Consul General Sandra Chacra at one of our reading rooms to discuss the work a few of our girls and young women have been doing around civic awareness for first time voters.
The meeting centered around the girls themselves sharing their perspectives the voters registration process for first time voters- especially girls and young women- both in urban and rural Liberia.

They provided firsthand accounts of their interactions with their peers as well as observations (to be shared soon) after visiting a few schools and polling centers in Montserrado and Bong county.
Mr. Trembley was very excited to meet the girls and shared some insights into the electioneering processes in Switzerland and how very “aware and involved” the citizens are with policies and laws being made and how regular referendums are held to obtain feedback from the population on governance issues.

More information on the meeting will be shared in a subsequent blog post.
#FirstTimeVotersLiberia #CivicEngagement #GirlsLead #KEEPLiberia #Switzerland #SwissEmbassyLiberia
Glow Liberia